Projects for July: Planning to make biskut raya for own consumption. I could buy at the shops but I want real butter in my cookies not cheap shortening or margarine. I will bake my favourites: Tart nenas, kuih makmur, biskut kacang tanah, sticky rice crispies salut with chocolate and maybe almond cookies too. Not a raya bikkie, but will attempt macarons to learn and master it. Other projects : sewing..really love mess to wash..just me and my fabrics and the jug-jug-jug sound of my sewing machine. Maybe a little baju kurung for Minuya or a summer dress if I have the time...fiinish up some bags perhaps..yang terbengkalai since 2010. arrgh so much I wanna do!!!
Sometimes I wonder where does my day go? I never have the time to do all this. Tonight I baked a cake ready for a cake pop order for this answering emails/doing research for cakes/surfing fb and pinterest when brain gets tired, doing frikin laundry that never ends, just vacuumed and mopped the entire house today, wrecked my hands with dishwashing liquid,picking up toys at the end of the day, siram bunga, training the cats ( so far so good btw), planning/executing Minuya's activities everyday, racking my brain to think about what to cook for dinner every night,planning finances for the next 5 years..sigh...then there's the toddler..well that's another story entirely but basically attention..attention..attention.. disciplinarian, clown, performer, slave, personal chef, interpreter, lifeguard, tantrum witness, sandwoman, name it..that's ME... and yet there are people who still assume SAHMs do nothing much...that I should have time to do things for myself..yeah sure..if I pressure myself to finish my nails, pluck my eyebrows, wax my legs, get my hair untangled from my unruly bun, do my facial ALL in an hour tops..I'd say I've had a pretty successful day! Heheh..but the good thing is, I've made it one of my resolutions this year to take care of MYSELF more so I guess I'm on track.
The only thing that makes me think it's all worth it is the thought that I'm building a dream. A dream to have a well-balanced happy child and a family with memories to last a lifetime. The prospect of learning life lessons along the way is an attractive incentive too. Basically indulging in a fulfilling LIFE and getting to share that with your loved ones. Now that is definitely priceless and MY definition of happiness. No amount of money would ever replace that..but that doesn't mean we can't work on getting a dream home, go for eye-opening overseas vacations, going for your personal dreams of building an business empire, taking over the world or even writing long essays on fb that really is just an expression of my inner thoughts...oooh which reminds me of another project for July onwards : Writing an e-book.
So much to do, so little time. Now on to write my Minecraft cake blogpost.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
It has come to my knowledge that some of my pics and posts have been used to promote Passion Slinn product on the main distributors website and FB pages. I have NOT given permission for this. So I would like to make it clear that any review, dissemination and distribution, printing or copying of any part of this blog is forbidden and will need my permission.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Tips for couples when in a financial rut
Live within your means. Don't spend or act like you can spend more than you can afford. Sekali nah hutang credit card pun tidak dapat bayar. That's the problem with our people. Gaya saja lebih tapi duit tarakk! When that happens, work harder, cut down on spending and earn more. Be smart financially!
Tips for smart couples: What we did when we were in a tight spot
(Sources: I trained myself with this when I had only Rm 50 a week to live on in KL at one point of my life and examplified by my own parents while my siblings and I were growing up)
1. Determine your income
2.Determine the living costs: eg. Utility bills, condo maintenance, food..etc)
3.Determine what you can live without. Eg cut off movie channels on Astro, choose a cheaper mobile phone provider..etc
4. Don't buy what you don't need.
- for me, I cut down on shopping the way I used to do when I was single
- for him, expensive indulgences like changing hand phones needed to stop for a while
5.Focus on building your income instead. Try many things. If one fails, try another. Always choose something that is comfortable within your family's needs. Determination is key. Take risks. Do what you have to do. My mother was a lawyer but she liked to do business ..she even collected rambutan from our orchard last time, dia putung, ikat, jual in bulk sama urang di tamu. Dia jual Rm 1 satu ikat saja tapi dia happy dapat tu duit.
6. Have a goal. If you can't save money straightaway, determine when you should start saving and work towards it.
7. Being frugal doesn't mean you can't have fun. Have fun in cost effective ways. Have a picnic. Have a small gathering with friends and drinks at home. Play in the park. Find zero fares on airlines to go for a trip somewhere.
8.Cook and eat at home. I personally prefer home cooked meals anyway and cook almost everyday. You save so much this way!
9. Sell off what you don't need. It's just material things. If it's just laying there doing nothing, it's just junk. Why not earn from it?
10. Plan future expenses: Children's education, retirement money, saving up for house, insurance for health..etc. see that some part of the income goes towards this. Planning ahead will make your life so much easier in the end.
12. Always be truthful about your finances to friends and family. Ain't nothing to be ashamed. It is just a phase that you are going through. Not everyone is blessed with thousands of dollars in their pocket. If they were your true friends, they would understand.
Even coming from a supposedly 'well off family'( which is a common misconception abt my family-we are not rich, we are just damned kedekut with our money..nyahaha! Until now, I find it hard to spend on myself.. But when I do it's always for a good reason) Rich to me is like urmmm the Taib Mahmud family? (dayemm..kasian Sarawak).
My father NEVER spoilt us and even if he gave us money, we would get an earful: untuk apa? Mana pigi tu duit dulu? (until now we have to show receipts to show we are not spending his money recklessly)
We had an almost military life ( sometimes it was too much but we had doses of fun in between) but it is a life that I've come to appreciate till now. Discipline and working hard was our motto. We only got stuff if we achieved certain things and that was our motivation. He showed us that having nice things is always possible if you work for it. Can you believe until now we as siblings don't even have canggih hand phones yang buli taru whatssap or whatever android ka apa tu? Except for me la, itu pun sia bili pasal my N80 phone yg sia pakai 4 tahun rusak suda. Phones were for communicating and that's it.
Motto bapa sia (yang unspoken).. "Pakai sampai rusak..kalau rusak cuba kasi baik.. Kalau Indak buli pakai juga..bah baru bili yang baru..itu pun check price dia ok ka tidak.. Kalau tidak, no need to buy!" All the cars that he bought, mostly are second hand. His advice, "Cars are the worst investment you can make." Itu kreta second hand brapa banyak kali break down pun dia kasi baik juga. For him money is an asset. Just a number and means to get things done. Not something to be spent unwisely. Kami balik KK pun kana marah, " Buat apa mo balik2 pulang KK, buang duit saja!" A bit harsh but that's how he thinks. 'Special' kan bapa sia? Kami saja yang paham dia. Bukan macam si Rosmah, mintak pujik minta bili kreta Vios lah..last2 dapat Honda CRV baru. Pastu pandai merajuk kalu ndak kana bawa overseas ikut dia. Kami anak2 pun diam2 saja, Rosmah jak melebih2. Hmm jelek gitu. Ok off topic nyahah!
I like to tell it just the way it is, " SAYA TIADA DUIT." Indak payah mo kasi bunga2 lagi itu ayat.
Just know that eventually it gets better.
It did for us. Not rich as hell, hutang masih ada but slowly recovering and within payment plans. Living comfortably and having all we need is quite an achievement. It's not easy having to spend so much on a wedding, a baby and a life together at one go! We are so thankful and blessed to have friends and family who helped us along the way. We've received financial blessings in so many other ways. My husband at his job ( naik pangkat, bonus, good performance awards..) and my humble cake business. :) Tried to bili numbur but we are the kind of people who have no such luck in that..haha!
Oh ya! Work as a TEAM! Praying alone won't help. Ok Pray but move your ass!
Yup finances are so important.Know your priorities and you'll be fine :)
Tips for smart couples: What we did when we were in a tight spot
(Sources: I trained myself with this when I had only Rm 50 a week to live on in KL at one point of my life and examplified by my own parents while my siblings and I were growing up)
1. Determine your income
2.Determine the living costs: eg. Utility bills, condo maintenance, food..etc)
3.Determine what you can live without. Eg cut off movie channels on Astro, choose a cheaper mobile phone provider..etc
4. Don't buy what you don't need.
- for me, I cut down on shopping the way I used to do when I was single
- for him, expensive indulgences like changing hand phones needed to stop for a while
5.Focus on building your income instead. Try many things. If one fails, try another. Always choose something that is comfortable within your family's needs. Determination is key. Take risks. Do what you have to do. My mother was a lawyer but she liked to do business ..she even collected rambutan from our orchard last time, dia putung, ikat, jual in bulk sama urang di tamu. Dia jual Rm 1 satu ikat saja tapi dia happy dapat tu duit.
6. Have a goal. If you can't save money straightaway, determine when you should start saving and work towards it.
7. Being frugal doesn't mean you can't have fun. Have fun in cost effective ways. Have a picnic. Have a small gathering with friends and drinks at home. Play in the park. Find zero fares on airlines to go for a trip somewhere.
8.Cook and eat at home. I personally prefer home cooked meals anyway and cook almost everyday. You save so much this way!
9. Sell off what you don't need. It's just material things. If it's just laying there doing nothing, it's just junk. Why not earn from it?
10. Plan future expenses: Children's education, retirement money, saving up for house, insurance for health..etc. see that some part of the income goes towards this. Planning ahead will make your life so much easier in the end.
12. Always be truthful about your finances to friends and family. Ain't nothing to be ashamed. It is just a phase that you are going through. Not everyone is blessed with thousands of dollars in their pocket. If they were your true friends, they would understand.
Even coming from a supposedly 'well off family'( which is a common misconception abt my family-we are not rich, we are just damned kedekut with our money..nyahaha! Until now, I find it hard to spend on myself.. But when I do it's always for a good reason) Rich to me is like urmmm the Taib Mahmud family? (dayemm..kasian Sarawak).
My father NEVER spoilt us and even if he gave us money, we would get an earful: untuk apa? Mana pigi tu duit dulu? (until now we have to show receipts to show we are not spending his money recklessly)
We had an almost military life ( sometimes it was too much but we had doses of fun in between) but it is a life that I've come to appreciate till now. Discipline and working hard was our motto. We only got stuff if we achieved certain things and that was our motivation. He showed us that having nice things is always possible if you work for it. Can you believe until now we as siblings don't even have canggih hand phones yang buli taru whatssap or whatever android ka apa tu? Except for me la, itu pun sia bili pasal my N80 phone yg sia pakai 4 tahun rusak suda. Phones were for communicating and that's it.
Motto bapa sia (yang unspoken).. "Pakai sampai rusak..kalau rusak cuba kasi baik.. Kalau Indak buli pakai juga..bah baru bili yang baru..itu pun check price dia ok ka tidak.. Kalau tidak, no need to buy!" All the cars that he bought, mostly are second hand. His advice, "Cars are the worst investment you can make." Itu kreta second hand brapa banyak kali break down pun dia kasi baik juga. For him money is an asset. Just a number and means to get things done. Not something to be spent unwisely. Kami balik KK pun kana marah, " Buat apa mo balik2 pulang KK, buang duit saja!" A bit harsh but that's how he thinks. 'Special' kan bapa sia? Kami saja yang paham dia. Bukan macam si Rosmah, mintak pujik minta bili kreta Vios lah..last2 dapat Honda CRV baru. Pastu pandai merajuk kalu ndak kana bawa overseas ikut dia. Kami anak2 pun diam2 saja, Rosmah jak melebih2. Hmm jelek gitu. Ok off topic nyahah!
I like to tell it just the way it is, " SAYA TIADA DUIT." Indak payah mo kasi bunga2 lagi itu ayat.
Just know that eventually it gets better.
It did for us. Not rich as hell, hutang masih ada but slowly recovering and within payment plans. Living comfortably and having all we need is quite an achievement. It's not easy having to spend so much on a wedding, a baby and a life together at one go! We are so thankful and blessed to have friends and family who helped us along the way. We've received financial blessings in so many other ways. My husband at his job ( naik pangkat, bonus, good performance awards..) and my humble cake business. :) Tried to bili numbur but we are the kind of people who have no such luck in that..haha!
Oh ya! Work as a TEAM! Praying alone won't help. Ok Pray but move your ass!
Yup finances are so important.Know your priorities and you'll be fine :)
Friday, February 22, 2013
My opinion on the Lahad Datu Suluk invasion in Sabah and why the Dayaks are angry.
Kita ni sebenarnya 'Dayak'...which just means people of Borneo.It does not mean we Sabahans exclusively belong to Kalimantan dayaks or any other dayak races in Borneo. It's just a loose term to describe the original and native people of Borneo which can have different traditions and religions even. Dayaks in Kalimantan refer to the Kadazandusun in Sabah as Dayak Kadazan-dusun and Ibans as Sea Dayak or Dayak Iban. All the other native races in Borneo also has the word Dayak in front of them. It's only in Malaysia that the word Dayak is usually used in describing the ethnics that are mainly in Sarawak.In Malaysia, the word "Kadazandusun" is used to represent the over 40 sub-ethnic groups like this list: Suku-suku yang membentuk Kadazan-Dusun, terdiri dari 41 suku, yaitu:
Coastal populations in Borneo are largely Muslim in belief, however these groups (Tidung, Bulungan, Paser, Melanau, Kadayan, Bakumpai, Bisayah) are generally considered to be Islamized Dayaks, native to Borneo, and heavily influenced by the Javanese Majapahit Kingdoms and Islamic Malay Sultanates.
Other groups in coastal areas of Sabah, Sarawak and northern Kalimantan; namely the Illanun, Tausug, Sama,Suluk and Bajau, although inhabiting and (in the case of the Tausug group) ruling, the northern tip of Borneo for centuries, have their origins from the southern Philippines. These groups are not Dayak, but instead are grouped under the separate umbrella term of Moro.
I think these ethnics at least have stayed in Sabah since a long time ago so they are considered native anyway. This just clarifies the difference between Dayaks and non-Dayaks.
This is why the Dayaks especially those in Kalimantan feel that they have the right to defend Lahad Datu from the Suluk invaders because they believe that Borneo belongs to the Dayak People as even if Borneo 'dibawah naungan 2 negara tapi bangsa Dayak tetap bersatu'.
I'm not condoning war or violence.I'm just explaining their rationale.
I'm sure everyone in Sabah just wishes that these disrespectful invaders just leave Sabah.We don't want bloodshed but can you blame us if we feel like killing them to defend our land and families? It is a perfectly understandable feeling caused by fear and anger that they can just take over your home anytime with no regards of the law. If they can do this, next they'll be robbing, murdering..again with no regards of the law.Yes you can be a church going or devote Muslim praying for peace but when your home and family is threatened, will you,at that crucial moment just kneel down and pray? No. You will fight.Or you will run.
Government conspiracy or not.(and really I'm sick and tired of these political tuduh-menuduh, sia pun tetau sepa yang betul). I feel everyone just wants a piece of Sabah. Even Kadazandusun leaders are divided.Does anyone even care? (I know you may think I'm biased but I know my dad cares) UPKO even wanted to go out of BN but decided not to because Najib finally promised to do the RCI( Royal Commission Inquiry) on the immigrant crisis in Sabah.Google it to read more.
Anyway, in regards to the Lahad Datu situation, I'd prefer to fight. Peace loving as we are but Sabahan buli bangkit lawan ka if suda tepaksa? atau semua jadi penakut? Ba kalau gitu.. P la kamu singgarung sama tu Suluk tanda welcome :)
Coastal populations in Borneo are largely Muslim in belief, however these groups (Tidung, Bulungan, Paser, Melanau, Kadayan, Bakumpai, Bisayah) are generally considered to be Islamized Dayaks, native to Borneo, and heavily influenced by the Javanese Majapahit Kingdoms and Islamic Malay Sultanates.
Other groups in coastal areas of Sabah, Sarawak and northern Kalimantan; namely the Illanun, Tausug, Sama,Suluk and Bajau, although inhabiting and (in the case of the Tausug group) ruling, the northern tip of Borneo for centuries, have their origins from the southern Philippines. These groups are not Dayak, but instead are grouped under the separate umbrella term of Moro.
I think these ethnics at least have stayed in Sabah since a long time ago so they are considered native anyway. This just clarifies the difference between Dayaks and non-Dayaks.
This is why the Dayaks especially those in Kalimantan feel that they have the right to defend Lahad Datu from the Suluk invaders because they believe that Borneo belongs to the Dayak People as even if Borneo 'dibawah naungan 2 negara tapi bangsa Dayak tetap bersatu'.
I'm not condoning war or violence.I'm just explaining their rationale.
I'm sure everyone in Sabah just wishes that these disrespectful invaders just leave Sabah.We don't want bloodshed but can you blame us if we feel like killing them to defend our land and families? It is a perfectly understandable feeling caused by fear and anger that they can just take over your home anytime with no regards of the law. If they can do this, next they'll be robbing, murdering..again with no regards of the law.Yes you can be a church going or devote Muslim praying for peace but when your home and family is threatened, will you,at that crucial moment just kneel down and pray? No. You will fight.Or you will run.
Government conspiracy or not.(and really I'm sick and tired of these political tuduh-menuduh, sia pun tetau sepa yang betul). I feel everyone just wants a piece of Sabah. Even Kadazandusun leaders are divided.Does anyone even care? (I know you may think I'm biased but I know my dad cares) UPKO even wanted to go out of BN but decided not to because Najib finally promised to do the RCI( Royal Commission Inquiry) on the immigrant crisis in Sabah.Google it to read more.
Anyway, in regards to the Lahad Datu situation, I'd prefer to fight. Peace loving as we are but Sabahan buli bangkit lawan ka if suda tepaksa? atau semua jadi penakut? Ba kalau gitu.. P la kamu singgarung sama tu Suluk tanda welcome :)
Sunday, February 3, 2013
The journey begins..
So this is the post I made on fb on the 31st of January, the date on which I started this losing weight thingy. I will write in both English and Sabahan slang (which is where I'm from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia) but if there's anything you wish to understand, you may contact me at
Okay so preggy weight was 56kg..after branak turun pi 54kg...naik balik pi 56kg pasal badan tidak cukup fat so keep eating for good milk supply..Nowadays, night breastfeeding only though not so turun balik 53kg.
Now I am starting to take this acclaimed all natural slimming drink for which I will reveal the name later that claims I can loose up to 5kg in a month...let see if it really works. Claims can lose by normal healthy eating and moderate exercise, not need diet berlebihan. My exercise is enough bila bubut Minuya. More than dat sia pingsan ok. Target if possible pre-preggy weight 47 kg. Time tu sia hot. Hahahah. Sekarang tidak payahla telampau kuwus. Bidak. Teda nenen. Nanti hubby komplen.
Setakat hot mama pun buli la. Sampai 48-50kg pun sia happy suda...adakah sia akan berjaya? Adakah ia hanya gimmick semata-mata? Kita tunggu dan lihat. Today is the first day..after breakfast and drinking one sachet..not hungry at all. Usually I crave for sweet things and carbo. Thirsty all the time but bagusla minum banyak air, kan? Teda pening. Teda mau pigi toilet balik2. Macam biasa jak. Breastmilk flow macam biasa ja. Minuya not affected. Everything seems to be fine..
Tune in next week same time and same place for updates. Pray I don't die.
Okay so preggy weight was 56kg..after branak turun pi 54kg...naik balik pi 56kg pasal badan tidak cukup fat so keep eating for good milk supply..Nowadays, night breastfeeding only though not so turun balik 53kg.
Now I am starting to take this acclaimed all natural slimming drink for which I will reveal the name later that claims I can loose up to 5kg in a month...let see if it really works. Claims can lose by normal healthy eating and moderate exercise, not need diet berlebihan. My exercise is enough bila bubut Minuya. More than dat sia pingsan ok. Target if possible pre-preggy weight 47 kg. Time tu sia hot. Hahahah. Sekarang tidak payahla telampau kuwus. Bidak. Teda nenen. Nanti hubby komplen.
Setakat hot mama pun buli la. Sampai 48-50kg pun sia happy suda...adakah sia akan berjaya? Adakah ia hanya gimmick semata-mata? Kita tunggu dan lihat. Today is the first day..after breakfast and drinking one sachet..not hungry at all. Usually I crave for sweet things and carbo. Thirsty all the time but bagusla minum banyak air, kan? Teda pening. Teda mau pigi toilet balik2. Macam biasa jak. Breastmilk flow macam biasa ja. Minuya not affected. Everything seems to be fine..
Tune in next week same time and same place for updates. Pray I don't die.
Hello and welcome!
Hi there! My name is May and welcome to my personal blog! I am not a novice blogger as I have other blogs under my name too for a while now but I've never actually had a personal one so I decided to make one. My other blogs are mostly for business so you may wanna check it out too. I do custom made cakes and handmade clutches I named this blog MYVANWY because it's my second name and hardly gets used at all. I have no Welsh origins but it was taken from the book of bible names and basically means 'beloved', 'my blessed one' or 'my dearest one'. My parents chose it well. :)
The name was also based on old welsh song from 1875 and now usually performed in choirs. Here are the lyrics and the meaning of the song.
Paham mae dicter, O Myfanwy,
Yn llenwi'th lygaid duon di?
A'th ruddiau tirion, O Myfanwy,
Heb wrido wrth fy ngweled i?
Pa le mae'r wên oedd ar dy wefus
Fu'n cynnau 'nghariad ffyddlon ffôl?
Pa le mae sain dy eiriau melys,
Fu'n denu'n nghalon ar dy ôl?
Why is it anger, O Myfanwy,
That fills your eyes so dark and clear?
Your gentle cheeks, O sweet Myfanwy,
Why blush they not when I draw near?
Where is the smile that once most tender
Kindled my love so fond, so true?
Where is the sound of your sweet words,
That drew my heart to follow you?
Pa beth a wneuthum, O Myfanwy
I haeddu gwg dy ddwyrudd hardd?
Ai chwarae oeddit, O Myfanwy
 thanau euraidd serch dy fardd?
Wyt eiddo im drwy gywir amod
Ai gormod cadw'th air i mi?
Ni cheisiaf fyth mo'th law, Myfanwy,
Heb gael dy galon gyda hi.
What have I done, O my Myfanwy,
To earn your frown? What is my blame?
Was it just play, my sweet Myfanwy,
To set your poet's love aflame?
You truly once to me were promised,
Is it too much to keep your part?
I wish no more your hand, Myfanwy,
If I no longer have your heart.
Myfanwy boed yr holl o'th fywyd
Dan heulwen ddisglair canol dydd.
A boed i rosyn gwridog iechyd
I ddawnsio ganmlwydd ar dy rudd.
Anghofia'r oll o'th addewidion
A wnest i rywun, 'ngeneth ddel,
A dyro'th law, Myfanwy dirion
I ddim ond dweud y gair "Ffarwél".
Myfanwy, may you spend your lifetime
Beneath the midday sunshine's glow,
And on your cheeks O may the roses
Dance for a hundred years or so.
Forget now all the words of promise
You made to one who loved you well,
Give me your hand, my sweet Myfanwy,
But one last time, to say "farewell".
Lovely, ain't it?
Anywhoo..This blog was inspired by my slimming down journey after the birth of my daughter and I wanted to document it as I went along, whether I succeeded or not. Do follow me on this blog for my personal views and experiences. I promise you it will be honest and will simply represent who I am and the happenings around me.
I must warn you that sometimes my writing are full of facts and important issues but other times it may be just random stuff so I could get a little crazy. Then again that's the point, you will get to know the serious side of me and also a glimpse of the uh-oh-I-think-she's-nuts side of my personality.
Why make this public? Well I'm actually not a very public person. In fact, I like my privacy a lot but sometimes there are things that I feel that I need to point out and think that this is the perfect outlet to do so. I'm not perfect nor do I know-it-all AND I know that by doing this blog some people may judge me but sometimes I think it's good to let your thoughts out so that people can really understand you better.
I will not write something that is disrespectful to others but I WILL give my honest, raw and sometimes blunt opinions on things that matter to me. It may be rude or funny to some soooooo....
Love me or hate me. This is me.
The name was also based on old welsh song from 1875 and now usually performed in choirs. Here are the lyrics and the meaning of the song.
Yn llenwi'th lygaid duon di?
A'th ruddiau tirion, O Myfanwy,
Heb wrido wrth fy ngweled i?
Pa le mae'r wên oedd ar dy wefus
Fu'n cynnau 'nghariad ffyddlon ffôl?
Pa le mae sain dy eiriau melys,
Fu'n denu'n nghalon ar dy ôl?
That fills your eyes so dark and clear?
Your gentle cheeks, O sweet Myfanwy,
Why blush they not when I draw near?
Where is the smile that once most tender
Kindled my love so fond, so true?
Where is the sound of your sweet words,
That drew my heart to follow you?
I haeddu gwg dy ddwyrudd hardd?
Ai chwarae oeddit, O Myfanwy
 thanau euraidd serch dy fardd?
Wyt eiddo im drwy gywir amod
Ai gormod cadw'th air i mi?
Ni cheisiaf fyth mo'th law, Myfanwy,
Heb gael dy galon gyda hi.
To earn your frown? What is my blame?
Was it just play, my sweet Myfanwy,
To set your poet's love aflame?
You truly once to me were promised,
Is it too much to keep your part?
I wish no more your hand, Myfanwy,
If I no longer have your heart.
Dan heulwen ddisglair canol dydd.
A boed i rosyn gwridog iechyd
I ddawnsio ganmlwydd ar dy rudd.
Anghofia'r oll o'th addewidion
A wnest i rywun, 'ngeneth ddel,
A dyro'th law, Myfanwy dirion
I ddim ond dweud y gair "Ffarwél".
Beneath the midday sunshine's glow,
And on your cheeks O may the roses
Dance for a hundred years or so.
Forget now all the words of promise
You made to one who loved you well,
Give me your hand, my sweet Myfanwy,
But one last time, to say "farewell".
Lovely, ain't it?
Anywhoo..This blog was inspired by my slimming down journey after the birth of my daughter and I wanted to document it as I went along, whether I succeeded or not. Do follow me on this blog for my personal views and experiences. I promise you it will be honest and will simply represent who I am and the happenings around me.
I must warn you that sometimes my writing are full of facts and important issues but other times it may be just random stuff so I could get a little crazy. Then again that's the point, you will get to know the serious side of me and also a glimpse of the uh-oh-I-think-she's-nuts side of my personality.
Why make this public? Well I'm actually not a very public person. In fact, I like my privacy a lot but sometimes there are things that I feel that I need to point out and think that this is the perfect outlet to do so. I'm not perfect nor do I know-it-all AND I know that by doing this blog some people may judge me but sometimes I think it's good to let your thoughts out so that people can really understand you better.
I will not write something that is disrespectful to others but I WILL give my honest, raw and sometimes blunt opinions on things that matter to me. It may be rude or funny to some soooooo....
Love me or hate me. This is me.
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