Monday, March 25, 2013

Tips for couples when in a financial rut

Live within your means. Don't spend or act like you can spend more than you can afford. Sekali nah hutang credit card pun tidak dapat bayar. That's the problem with our people. Gaya saja lebih tapi duit tarakk! When that happens, work harder, cut down on spending and earn more. Be smart financially!

Tips for smart couples: What we did when we were in a tight spot
(Sources: I trained myself with this when I had only Rm 50 a week to live on in KL at one point of my life and examplified by my own parents while my siblings and I were growing up)

1. Determine your income

2.Determine the living costs: eg. Utility bills, condo maintenance, food..etc)

3.Determine what you can live without. Eg cut off movie channels on Astro, choose a cheaper mobile phone provider..etc

4. Don't buy what you don't need.
- for me, I cut down on shopping the way I used to do when I was single
- for him, expensive indulgences like changing hand phones needed to stop for a while

5.Focus on building your income instead. Try many things. If one fails, try another. Always choose something that is comfortable within your family's needs. Determination is key. Take risks. Do what you have to do. My mother was a lawyer but she liked to do business ..she even collected rambutan from our orchard last time, dia putung, ikat, jual in bulk sama urang di tamu. Dia jual Rm 1 satu ikat saja tapi dia happy dapat tu duit.

6. Have a goal. If you can't save money straightaway, determine when you should start saving and work towards it.

7. Being frugal doesn't mean you can't have fun. Have fun in cost effective ways. Have a picnic. Have a small gathering with friends and drinks at home. Play in the park. Find zero fares on airlines to go for a trip somewhere.

8.Cook and eat at home. I personally prefer home cooked meals anyway and cook almost everyday. You save so much this way!

9. Sell off what you don't need. It's just material things. If it's just laying there doing nothing, it's just junk. Why not earn from it?

10. Plan future expenses: Children's education, retirement money, saving up for house, insurance for health..etc. see that some part of the income goes towards this. Planning ahead will make your life so much easier in the end.

12. Always be truthful about your finances to friends and family. Ain't nothing to be ashamed. It is just a phase that you are going through. Not everyone is blessed with thousands of dollars in their pocket. If they were your true friends, they would understand.

Even coming from a supposedly 'well off family'( which is a common misconception abt my family-we are not rich, we are just damned kedekut with our money..nyahaha! Until now, I find it hard to spend on myself.. But when I do it's always for a good reason) Rich to me is like urmmm the Taib Mahmud family? (dayemm..kasian Sarawak).

My father NEVER spoilt us and even if he gave us money, we would get an earful: untuk apa? Mana pigi tu duit dulu? (until now we have to show receipts to show we are not spending his money recklessly)

We had an almost military life ( sometimes it was too much but we had doses of fun in between) but it is a life that I've come to appreciate till now. Discipline and working hard was our motto. We only got stuff if we achieved certain things and that was our motivation. He showed us that having nice things is always possible if you work for it. Can you believe until now we as siblings don't even have canggih hand phones yang buli taru whatssap or whatever android ka apa tu? Except for me la, itu pun sia bili pasal my N80 phone yg sia pakai 4 tahun rusak suda. Phones were for communicating and that's it.

Motto bapa sia (yang unspoken).. "Pakai sampai rusak..kalau rusak cuba kasi baik.. Kalau Indak buli pakai juga..bah baru bili yang baru..itu pun check price dia ok ka tidak.. Kalau tidak, no need to buy!" All the cars that he bought, mostly are second hand. His advice, "Cars are the worst investment you can make." Itu kreta second hand brapa banyak kali break down pun dia kasi baik juga. For him money is an asset. Just a number and means to get things done. Not something to be spent unwisely. Kami balik KK pun kana marah, " Buat apa mo balik2 pulang KK, buang duit saja!" A bit harsh but that's how he thinks. 'Special' kan bapa sia? Kami saja yang paham dia. Bukan macam si Rosmah, mintak pujik minta bili kreta Vios lah..last2 dapat Honda CRV baru. Pastu pandai merajuk kalu ndak kana bawa overseas ikut dia. Kami anak2 pun diam2 saja, Rosmah jak melebih2. Hmm jelek gitu. Ok off topic nyahah!

I like to tell it just the way it is, " SAYA TIADA DUIT." Indak payah mo kasi bunga2 lagi itu ayat.

Just know that eventually it gets better.
It did for us. Not rich as hell, hutang masih ada but slowly recovering and within payment plans. Living comfortably and having all we need is quite an achievement. It's not easy having to spend so much on a wedding, a baby and a life together at one go! We are so thankful and blessed to have friends and family who helped us along the way. We've received financial blessings in so many other ways. My husband at his job ( naik pangkat, bonus, good performance awards..) and my humble cake business. :) Tried to bili numbur but we are the kind of people who have no such luck in that..haha!

Oh ya! Work as a TEAM! Praying alone won't help. Ok Pray but move your ass!

Yup finances are so important.Know your priorities and you'll be fine :)
