Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hello and welcome!

Hi there! My name is May and welcome to my personal blog! I am not a novice blogger as I have other blogs under my name too for a while now but I've never actually had a personal one so I decided to make one. My other blogs are mostly for business so you may wanna check it out too. I do custom made cakes and handmade clutches I named this blog MYVANWY because it's my second name and hardly gets used at all. I have no Welsh origins but it was taken from the book of bible names and basically means 'beloved', 'my blessed one' or 'my dearest one'. My parents chose it well. :)

The name was also based on old welsh song from 1875 and  now usually performed in choirs. Here are the lyrics and the meaning of the song.

Paham mae dicter, O Myfanwy,
Yn llenwi'th lygaid duon di?
A'th ruddiau tirion, O Myfanwy,
Heb wrido wrth fy ngweled i?
Pa le mae'r wên oedd ar dy wefus
Fu'n cynnau 'nghariad ffyddlon ffôl?
Pa le mae sain dy eiriau melys,
Fu'n denu'n nghalon ar dy ôl?
Why is it anger, O Myfanwy,
That fills your eyes so dark and clear?
Your gentle cheeks, O sweet Myfanwy,
Why blush they not when I draw near?
Where is the smile that once most tender
Kindled my love so fond, so true?
Where is the sound of your sweet words,
That drew my heart to follow you?

Pa beth a wneuthum, O Myfanwy
I haeddu gwg dy ddwyrudd hardd?
Ai chwarae oeddit, O Myfanwy
 thanau euraidd serch dy fardd?
Wyt eiddo im drwy gywir amod
Ai gormod cadw'th air i mi?
Ni cheisiaf fyth mo'th law, Myfanwy,
Heb gael dy galon gyda hi.
What have I done, O my Myfanwy,
To earn your frown? What is my blame?
Was it just play, my sweet Myfanwy,
To set your poet's love aflame?
You truly once to me were promised,
Is it too much to keep your part?
I wish no more your hand, Myfanwy,
If I no longer have your heart.

Myfanwy boed yr holl o'th fywyd
Dan heulwen ddisglair canol dydd.
A boed i rosyn gwridog iechyd
I ddawnsio ganmlwydd ar dy rudd.
Anghofia'r oll o'th addewidion
A wnest i rywun, 'ngeneth ddel,
A dyro'th law, Myfanwy dirion
I ddim ond dweud y gair "Ffarwél".
Myfanwy, may you spend your lifetime
Beneath the midday sunshine's glow,
And on your cheeks O may the roses
Dance for a hundred years or so.
Forget now all the words of promise
You made to one who loved you well,
Give me your hand, my sweet Myfanwy,
But one last time, to say "farewell".      

Lovely, ain't it?

Anywhoo..This blog was inspired by my slimming down journey after the birth of my daughter and I wanted to document it as I went along, whether I succeeded or not. Do follow me on this blog for my personal views and experiences. I promise you it will be honest and will simply represent who I am and the happenings around me.

I must warn you that sometimes my writing are full of facts and important issues but other times it may be just random stuff so I could get a little crazy. Then again that's the point, you will get to know the serious side of me and also a glimpse of the uh-oh-I-think-she's-nuts side of my personality.

Why make this public? Well I'm actually not a very public person. In fact, I like my privacy a lot but sometimes there are things that I feel that I need to point out and think that this is the perfect outlet to do so. I'm not perfect nor do I know-it-all AND I know that by doing this blog some people may judge me but sometimes I think it's good to let your thoughts out so that people can really understand you better.

I will not write something that is disrespectful to others but I WILL give my honest, raw and sometimes blunt opinions on things that matter to me. It may be rude or funny to some soooooo....

Love me or hate me. This is me.

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